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Favourite Place to Drink Coffee

Brazil is my favourite place to drink coffee and I want to go back.
As I sit here about to write this blog I am drinking my latte, made with home-roasted, freshly ground beans.  A great espresso is all about the preparation; the machine must be pr…

Souvenir Hunting in Istanbul (not Constantinople)

Three things I learned while souvenir hunting at the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul.
You know what they say, the first step is admitting that you have a problem. OK, I admit it. I love souvenir hunting.  Yes, it’s a really “touristy” thing to do but I just can’t h…

A Local Coffee Shop in Amsterdam

Staying Native's inaugural blog post and our first post in the coffee travel blog series. Finding my favorite coffee shop in Amsterdam and learning about koffie verkeerd.
The inspiration for the "Do it like a local" blog came while I was working abroad in Amsterdam. It was then that I began to experience places through the eyes of those that live t…

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