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What I Learned on the First Roadtrip of 2013 - Day 2

On the second day, I took lots of pictures, and missed even more. What I learned? Why I need to have my camera ready at all times and why I probably need a better camera than the one in my phone. Do it like a local - roadtrip style!
Essential Trip Stats Days driven:3 Time zones crossed:2 Distance:3715 km Temperature range:30C low -15C, high 15C   Always have your camera ready (and why you need a bette…

What I Learned on the First Roadtrip of 2013 - Day 1

What I learned on Day 1 of the first roadtrip in 2013. When you really need a third opinion, smartphones are the perfect travel companion. Part one of a three part series. Do It Like a Local - Roadtrip style!
Essential Trip Stats Days driven: 3 Time zones crossed: 2 Distance: 3715 km Temperature Range: 30C low -15C, high 15C What to do when you need a third opinion ROADTRIP! I l…

Why Croatia?

When a group of well traveled friends picks their next destination, the conversation turns to Croatia. Why Croatia? Why not? With a side trip to Bosnia thrown in for good measure. Do it like a local in Croatia (and Bosnia)!
/* * * CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT BEFORE PASTING INTO YOUR WEBPAGE * * */ var disqus_shortname = 'stayingnative'; // required: replace e…

Travel Memories: Decorating the Tree

Christmas tree ornaments make great souvenirs and provide an annual tour down memory lane. Happy Holidays and all the best for 2013!
Stephanie is a business controls professional by day, planning her next get away by night. Having traveled through Europe, the USA and the Caribbean, she’s still got a couple …

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